Monday, July 15, 2013

Promotional Product Industry is Alive and Well

I went to a Kansas City Royals baseball game last Friday evening.  No, they didn’t win.  In fact, they didn’t put up much of a fight until the ninth inning.  Except for the companionship and fireworks after the game, the experience was a flop, with nothing much to hold my interest.  So, I watched the fans, nearly 35,000 of them in all shapes, sizes and colors, most of them wearing printed T-shirts, or embroidered caps and polo shirts.  Some of the decorated shirts were ancient, sporting old Royal’s designs and colors.  Maybe they were wearing their “lucky” T-shirts, though they didn’t do the trick.

There were the “old school” fans holding up their foam “#1” hands, with variations that included tiny #1 foam hands supported by a 10-year-old’s finger and thumb.  There were infants dressed in Royal’s decorated onesies, and tiny little baseball caps.  Families climbed the steps to the “nosebleed” sections, all carrying their Royal’s printed souvenir cups, filled with their favorite beverage, and popcorn buckets with the likenesses of George Brett and Frank White smiling back at me.
But, my favorite was the couple caught on the “Fan Cam” wearing their matching red, white, & blue, star-shaped sunglasses with some unknown logo on the sides.  They won a $50 gift card for being the most obnoxious fans, or something.  I’m pretty sure the cameraman zeroed in on those fabulous promotional sunglasses.  I sure wish I had had a pair of those babies to show off.  Or, better yet, I should have had my mustache sunglasses with me.  I might have gotten on the “Fan Cam”!  As it was, I remained happy in the thought that the promotional product industry is alive and well.
By: Monty Smith, Sales Manager

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