Friday, July 5, 2013

Intern vs. The Red Paper Clip Project: Part 4

The flatscreen TV’s gone and it’s not coming back. Let it go. All is not lost.
It’s true – I’ve traded the flatscreen TV away in search of better days. I may not have a flatscreen TV any longer, but what I do have is the “Ultimate BBQ Package.”
After a plethora of e-mails and texts not all necessarily lining up linearly, Rhianna and I finally settled on a date.
No, not like a date date. She was married. With children. Children who had no idea they’d soon be inhabiting a bedroom populated by a new flatscreen TV; and their determined mother made it happen - convinced me.
Now, I’ve been fielding many offers over the past week for the TV, it was a hot item – even hotter, I can say with prideful determination, than the entertainment projector before it. I’m making progress and man, does it feel good? Yes. Yes it does.

But Rhianna (not the multi-platinum recording artist – that’s Rihanna), didn’t stop with just the grill, no. Along with it came a propane tank, lawn chairs, a cooler, and just about everything else that would make for a successful family barbecue (even an oxford comma, which I hadn’t needed to use until this particular trade!) So, now I’ve got my BBQ, and she’s got her TV and two of the sweetest little children you could possibly imagine.

On a related note, my parents are ever-supportive in my growing project, which now means for them STORING a grill, a propane tank, lawn chairs, a cooler, and just about everything else that would make for a successful family barbecue (yes, even the oxford comma). And that’s not to mention the printer which is in a universe all its own. You see, I’ve since separated the grill and printer trades, thinking it might be easier to find two separate people in need of a grill and a printer respectively, rather than a single individual who might find use in both the grill AND the printer (maybe they could print recipes and coupons?). Now that’s not to say I word bite my thumb at the chance to trade both away in one fell swoop, because I wouldn’t. But that is to say I don’t necessarily expect it to be that easy. And I’m okay with that. This is fun!
Oh! I forgot to mention – Rhianna knew Mike from high school, which was almost a dealbreaker (I can only imagine) considering their fued-filled (I can only imagine) history. Luckily, my masterful make-the-trade-fast-before-she-can-change-her-mind-because-of-some-bad-blood-with-Mike mentality netted me a BBQ.
But I don’t want the BBQ – it’s of no use to me (being a self-diagnosed “grillan”). I want to trade it and the printer too, so if you have an offer for either or both, let me know.
Until then, I’ll be glued to this chair pondering how exactly I managed to trade a Sunflower promotional product worth $16.80 for a printer and a grill. The “funtential” (a term coined by “One Red Paperclip” author Kyle MacDonald to described an item’s potential for fun) is palpable.

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